Teens and Their Doctors: The Story of the Development of Adolescent Medicine
Berman, Henry, and Hannah Dashefsky
This book tells the story of the inaugural efforts to create the specialty of adolescent medicine in a way that will engage the interest of thoughtful readers everywhere, both within and beyond the health and medical professions. Not only has Henry Berman brought to life the characters involved in launching our field—and their protégés—but he has also vividly outlined the attitudes, mores and happenings of those early years in an analysis that is both rich and illuminating.
"This is a seminal work, a unique and timely contribution to our understanding of the origins and underpinnings of our field, crafted with intelligence and love. It feels like a gift to the people who have devoted themselves to the cause." —David Bennett, AO FRACP FSAHM, established the first hospital-based adolescent medical unit in Australia in 1977. He is clinical professor of adolescent medicine with the University of Sydney.