Isis Cumulative Bibliography (1986–1995)
Neu, John, ed., 1997, 2, 355pp.
The third supplement to the Isis Cumulative Bibliography, 1913–1965, edited by Magda Whitrow cumulates the annual bibliographies published in the History of Science Society’s journal Isis in the years 1986 through 1995. The increase in the literature during the last decade necessitates publication in four volumes:
• Volume One (496pp.), Persons: A–L
• Volume Two (480pp.), Persons M–Z, Institutions
• Volume Three (640pp.), Subjects, Time Periods: Antiquity–18th Century
• Volume Four (739pp.), Time Periods: 19th–20th Centuries, Book Reviews
A special prepaid/postpaid price is available to HSS members.
“ . . . will prove invaluable for science researchers, academic scholarship, and a base-line reference for students in all of the sciences. It therefore represents a highly commended acquisition selection for major corporate, academic, and public library systems.” —The Midwest Book Review