A Perfectly Striking Departure: Surgeons and Surgery at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital 1912–1980
Tilney, Nicholas L.
"This is a wonderfully written account of a fascinating period of surgical history." —David G. Nathan, M.D., Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
"Both a unique and timely addition to our understanding of the development of twentieth century medicine." —Michael J. Zinner, M.D., Brigham and Women’s Hospital
" . . . follows the seventy-year growth of the teaching arm of the Harvard Medical School, an initially small facility which attracted an international faculty. From the influences of different surgeons-in-chiefs to changes in academic departments and perspectives, chapters follow the growth, evolution and influences of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; and while this might be a specialty acquisition for many collections any interested in medical history will find it a fine survey." —Midwest Book Review